Missions and Outreach

San Antonio Food Bank Food Distribution Pop-Up
San Antonio Food Bank Food Distribution Pop-Up

Locally, we partner with the San Antonio Food Bank to host a Food distribution station, the first Saturday of each month.  This allow us to provide much need food resources to over 200 families.  People begin to line-up as early as 6 a.m. and we don’t usually start distribution until 8:30 a.m.  Our mission and goal is to make a difference in the lives of those in our local community and around.  In addition to the food pop-up we have a food pantry that helps to provide food in emergency situations.

Nigerian Outreach
Nigerian Outreach

As a part of our support for missions, we have helped in building a well in a village in Alawusan, Nigeria, with the goal to help build others in order for the people to have access to fresh, clean water.  We have also helped with providing school uniforms for school-age children as well as participate spiritual growth conferences.

Homeless Ministry Outreach
Homeless Ministry Outreach

We provide monthly meals and clothing to the homeless in San Antonio.  While we know that we can’t fix the issues of our world our country our state our city or even our community, what we can do is make a difference.

Holiday Baskets
Holiday Baskets

In support of the local schools that surround our church community we provide holiday baskets.  We can’t fix all the issues with food shortages or expenses but we can make a difference in the lives of our children and families.